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Maximizing Your Earnings with Affiliate Programs in Digital Marketing

By Kat Crews

There are many different avenues of digital marketing and affiliate marketing is the by far the best one to do. Here are the top reasons why:

  1. It is the easiest one, and if anything qualifies as passive income it would be this one. Write your blog and include links for affiliate products or services that you recommend. Many people choose to create review sites to review products so others can make an informed choice.
  2. Internet marketing is the one thing that all people can do, no matter what your income bracket is. Low cost, start-up fees to getting your website up and running make the barriers to entry minimal compared to opening your own brick and mortar store.
  3. You work at home or at the beach or sitting by the pool. You can write a blog post wherever you are.
  4. The internet is here to stay, and people are addicted to it. Your potential audience is in the millions.

The big question here is “what will you write about?” Do you already have an idea for a blog? That is great if you do, but remember it has to be something you really, really care about because you will be writing about it for a long time.

Don’t create a site over the latest craze you are interested in. Once your interest in the craze is over, so is your site.

You want a site that has lasting power……

You may have seen some of the Mommy sites out there, which is great, but what happens when your kids are grown and you move onto other things?

Of course, you will get a lot of years out of it, but still.

I have seen some that were great Mommy sites and very popular, who then got bought out by a bigger company. So there is that to aim for too.

Once you have done a subject for a few years and make it successful someone may come around wanting to buy it and you can move on to a different subject.

Picking Your Niche

daniel-monteiro-picking a nicheNiche is a term you may have seen tossed around on the internet when researching how to go about creating a blog/website. The term niche is simply a fancy word for the “subject” of your blog.

You should pick something that you are very knowledgeable about and that you love. Remember, it will be part of your life daily for as long as you want to continue doing the site.

You don’t want too broad of a topic, such as, health. You would want to narrow that down to be more specific i.e. heart health. With heart health you can create topics related to eating right, exercise, proper foods for heart health, recipes, and much more.

There are some giants out there on the web that have been around for years, like Webmd, that will have all subjects relating to health. You won’t be able to compete with that.

By narrowing it down to a specific focus within that large topic you will get your market share of visitors who are concerned with just that specific area. That will be the key to ranking in Google search on page one. By being considered an authority on one specific area.

Think of focusing, specializing, on becoming the expert on a particular subject. You want to be the one that people go to for information and answers in the niche segment that you choose.

Affiliate Programs

Now that you have picked your niche go to Google and type in the topic + affiliate programs, i.e. heart health affiliate programs.

See what results you get. You will find affiliate programs for most anything you can think of. I have not found one yet with zero results, but I am sure it could happen.
heart zones affiliate programIf it happened just now to you, then go back to the drawing board and rethink your niche.

You can join all the affiliate programs that you see, but remember these 2 things.

  1. Make sure you have written content, good content, for you blog before you apply to them.
  2. Make sure you create a personal email related to your domain name:  because if they receive an email from a yahoo or gmail account or others like that, you will be denied to the affiliate program.

They want to know you are serious about your site and plan on creating relevant content, that you are knowledgeable and not some fly-by-night blogger. They have a name and reputation to protect.

Now start researching your niche. And please leave a comment letting me know which niche brought up zero results if you find one. Let me see what I can find for you in regards to your subject and an affiliate program.

Happy Hunting!!

8 thoughts on “Maximizing Your Earnings with Affiliate Programs in Digital Marketing”

    • Ah my dream too!. I live 15 minutes from the beach. I would be there every single day if I could. Longevity is the goal, along with people who want to learn. I love educating people and helping them to succeed.

  1. Thanks for the intro into affiliate marketing Kat! I did what you suggested and searched in google and I couldn’t believe there were so many affiliate programs out there that related to the niche I’ve been thinking about. I’ve been wanting to do this for a long time now and just trying to research how to go about it. You’re right about not wanting to be too broad – there’s some big sites out there in my potential niche that I could never compete with just starting out, so I need to do some more research to narrow it down – just doing these searches like you suggested has been very helpful! Thanks for the advice

    • Glad to help Lindsay. Narrowing down to a specific niche will really help when trying to compete for an audience. It is always good to choose a generic domain name, not too specific, so that as you grow your audience you can expand the site and grow it.

  2. Great article, as a digital marketer I absolutely confirm that there is an affiliate program for just about every single niche out there.
    Even the strangest of niches!

    Must add though, a great monetization includes having display ads on site as well as affiliate programs.

  3. Hey Katie,

    Thanks for the good info. I am very interested in working from home and I also am interested in being a writer so what you were talking about in this article is the perfect solution! I really like your website! It’s original and interesting!

    What do you think about having 2 or 3 niches with 2 or 3 websites?


    • If you are starting out I think you should concentrate on one. You want to build authority on your website. Then when that one is top of Google search branch out to something else and build that one.


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